Schlagwort lifeonmars

EAR Recap

They said yes! Last week Fynn and Sibtain went to Bremen for our EAR, the Experiment Acceptance Review. They worked day and night to get our final „PASS!“ before flying to ESRANGE and you know what? WE GOT IT!! After fixing some…

Spicy x LMU’s Faculty of Biology

Today’s mission:Presenting SpiCy and the @rexus_bexus programme at the faculty of biology @lmu.muenchen 🌟

 Huge thanks to LMU for inviting us to this event and supporting us on our way to a successful #launch and beyond! We had an amazing day here and are infinitely happy…

Pre-PDR Meeting

A few days ago – the last day before some of our team members would fly to Esrange in Sweden for our PDR (Preliminary Design Review), we were meeting to check and update our SED (Student Experiment Document). It was…